Over the course of two weeks together, we want to get to know you and for you to get to know us. We want you to know what we are passionate about and help you discover and activate the passions that God has placed in your heart. No matter where you are on your faith journey, we are committed to helping you take your next steps toward Jesus Christ together.

We believe everyone should have the chance to explore the Christian faith and share their point of view. Alpha provides a safe place for people to ask questions: Who is God? Is there more to life than just getting through each day? We invite you to join the adventure.
i said yes
Saying 'yes' to Jesus means embracing a journey of growth, where faith is strengthened and lives are transformed.
At The Naz, we believe following Jesus is a lifelong journey of growth. Whether you're just starting, returning, or deepening your faith, you're welcome here. Our community is a safe place to explore, ask questions, and walk closer to Jesus. Saying "yes" to Him means embracing a relationship that transforms. Join us as we grow in faith together.
Please take a moment to complete just a few quick questions, and someone from our team will be in touch with you very soon.
Baptism is a fulfillment of the Great Commission as Christ instructed us to do. It is a powerful and symbolic act that represents spiritual HOPE and purification. It is a profound expression of a believer’s faith in Jesus Christ, marking the moment of their commitment to follow Him. Through baptism, you publicly declare your belief and signify your identification with Christ’s death to sin and His resurrection to a new life. This meaningful transition not only symbolizes the washing away of past transgressions but also marks the beginning of a transformed life, embraced by grace and renewed purpose.
If you sense a calling to embrace the hope of baptism, we encourage you to take this significant step in your faith journey to publicly declare your dedication to Christ and experience the Thrill of Hope in your life. Join us as we celebrate this profound moment of transformation together and experience the hope of a new beginning.

We are so glad that you have decided to take your next step toward Jesus Christ through Ownership. Becoming an invested owner in the body of Christ is an important step in your faith journey. We are looking forward to spending time with you soon as we discuss what it looks like to be an active part of The Naz Church! This is a two-session class and we will offer childcare if needed.
Attendance to both Forward sessions is required to attend Ownership. If you have not completed Forward, please join us Sundays after both services!
“Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer to God.”
–Luke 6:12
We see hundreds of communities of fully devoted Jesus followers united in prayer, impacting their world for His Kingdom.
Prayer isn’t only at the center of our vision, it is at the center of all we do. Make prayer a part of your day.