Naz YTH | High School Bible Education | The Naz Church

Naz YTH Mid & High


Join us in-person on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:15PM. Check us out on Facebook or on YouTube, too.  Stay up to date with Naz YTH – Check out our newsletter HERE.

Welcome to NAZ YTH!

At Naz YTH, Jesus is the focus, community is our mission and you are loved!

Naz YTH Mid

Naz YTH High

Naz YTH Worship Experience

NAZ YTH is all about learning to bring change to our world by living out and sharing the love that God has shown us! It is about belonging to something larger than ourselves! NAZ YTH High School students will experience a time of excellent worship, fellowship, and powerful Bible-based messages.

Come hang with us Wednesdays from 6:30-7:45PM in the Ed gym for games, message, small groups and worship!

Small Groups

As part of the discipleship process, we believe it is very important for our students to grow under the leadership of seasoned faith leaders while in a small community of their friends and peers. Having friends and adult leaders is critical to understanding who we are in Christ. Our small groups provide a time and safe space for students and leaders to talk through tough questions.

Doors open around 6:00PM every Wednesday night! Our Middle School (Grades 7-8) and High School students (Grades 9-12) can hang out in the Ed School Gym until around 6:30PM, when our worship service starts! Students then break into small groups; most groups will end at 7:45PM. Small groups are a great time to laugh, eat, do life and, most importantly, to grow in faith together!

Please contact Abigail with any questions at 614-875-2551 x2042 or

Upcoming Events

Glow Tubing
Naz YTH will once again be going glow tubing at Snow Trails on Sunday, February 16. This is for students 5th-12th grade. We will meet at the church at 5:30PM and will arrive back at the church at 12:30AM. This event is $50/person. We have tickets for two separate time slots, but everyone will be staying up there the whole time. So no matter which time slot your student is a part of they will have 2 hours of tubing and 1 hour to hang out in the lodge, enjoy the campfire, and/or get some snacks or hot chocolate with friends. Tickets are limited, so get yours today here!

Join us for church in the Worship Center on Sundays at 9AM & 11AM & for MDWK on Wednesdays at 6:30PM!
