Home Guide | The Naz Church | FORWARD

Home Guide

Welcome to our Church Online Home Guide. Our Home Guide will provide you with tips, best practices, & a discussion guide to make the most of your online experience.


Plan the best time to watch service. We offer experiences on-demand via The Naz Church YouTube channel. Decide with those in your home, what time you’ll watch. Ex: If you have young children in the home, nap time might work best.

Have a child between the ages of 2 – 11? There’s a service for them, too! You can stream anytime! Plan out the time that works best for your children to view their Naz KDZ experience. Follow THIS LINK to view Naz KDZ Early Childhood lessons & THIS LINK to view naz KDZ Elementary lessons!

Create a distraction free environment! Organize and declutter your space. Do any important tasks in advance. Set your phone aside or silence notifications. Have your Bible, notebook, & pen ready!

Invite someone to watch church with you, whether in your home or online! Share the time you are watching church online with friends, family, even neighbors! There’s power in your invitation!


Go from spectator to participator!
• Stand up & sing out loud during worship!
• Open your Bible & follow along with the scripture readings.
• Take notes on the message.
• Give an offering.
• Connect on the chat platform! (live.thenaz.church)


If you or someone with you decides to follow Jesus, pray with them. Tell them about the next steps by connecting them to “I Said Yes” found on The Naz App or online, HERE.

Use the discussion guide to review message notes with family and friends.

If you live alone, Zoom or FaceTime a friend and discuss your decision.

Share your experience!

Message Notes

Home Discussion Guide

Watching church online with others?

After watching the message, review the discussion and use this as a guide to expolore the message more with your group.

Pick a different leader each week, it’s a great way to participate.

Discussion Questions 

  • Considering 1 Corinthians 12, what is your spirtual gifting?
  • How have you taken part in God’s ministry?
  • What are the needs you see in your community, and how could the body of Christ fulfill that need?

Watching church online solo?

Here’s how you can explore the message further on an individual level.

Review the discussion guide and journal your thoughts based on the message.

Optional: If possible, identify a friend(s) that you can share the message with virtually, then meet with them for coffee or lunch during the week or via Zoom to go over the discussion.

Next Steps

We’re here to help you take your next steps!
Click Here
